You can use an IAjaxCallDecorator to disable buttons and re-enable them with
the ajax request completes

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Alex Grant <>wrote:

> I have ModalWindows whose content contains OK AjaxButtons, which, assuming
> validation passes, will do some processing and then close the ModalWindow.
> If a user enters valid data and then double-clicks the OK button they will
> get an Exception like this one, because Wicket has already processed the
> closing of the ModalWindow in the first click and the button is therefore no
> longer on the screen for the second click.
> org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Submit Button
> tabbedPanel:panel:form:view:productsForm:manageProductsPanel:addProductPanel:content:editForm:ok
> (path=wizard:tabbedPanel:tabForm:tabbedPanel:panel:form:view:productsForm:manageProductsPanel:addProductPanel:content:editForm:ok)
> is not visible
> at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form$2.component(
> Is there some way to prevent this? If the buttons could be disabled in
> javascript and re-enabled with the ajax request completes, or even if this
> particular error could be suppressed and ignored if I knew that the
> submitting button was in a closed ModalWindow.
> Alex

Pedro Henrique Oliveira dos Santos

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