If NamedParameter is something like;


IndexedParameter is not something like:


thats still named, just differently outputed, but


indexed then the name is presumed (its 1 ,2 ,3 ,...)


2010/8/12 Major Péter <majorpe...@sch.bme.hu>:
> Hi,
> I've just tried to move our application to Wicket 1.5-M1, and I've faced
> with the following problems:
> * new HeaderContributor(new IHeaderContributor() {...} isn't working
> anymore, the constructor is gone.
> After looking into JavaDoc I've find out that HeaderContributor.forCss
> and other methods are deprecated in 1.4.9, but not in 1.5-M1, so wtf?
> * PageParameters#getAsLong and other helper methods are missing, instead
> we have PageParameters#getNamedParameter()#toLong and etc.
> There are Indexed Parameters and Named Parameters, what's the difference?
> based on the JavaDoc I would thought indexed parameter is like
> '/show/id/1' and named is 'show?id=1'
> if this is true, why isn't there simply a
> getParameterIDon'tCareAboutTheTypeOfIt function, if I want to support
> both of them?
> The deprecated PageParameters constructors are lacking JavaDoc
> deprecation note, or it could be a bit enhanced at least.
> * AjaxButton now has onError function, which needs to be implemented
> * IBehavior#unbind
> * In MyApplication I've had a method like this:
> @Override
>    public RequestCycle newRequestCycle(Request request, Response
> response) {
>        if
> (!Configuration.getEnvironment().equals(Environment.PRODUCTION)) {
>            return super.newRequestCycle(request, response);
>        } else {
>            return new WebRequestCycle(this, (WebRequest) request,
> (WebResponse) response) {
>               �...@override
>                public Page onRuntimeException(Page page,
> RuntimeException ex) {
>                    if (ex instanceof PageExpiredException) {
>                        return new PageExpiredError();
>                    }
>                    return new InternalServerError(page, ex);
>                }
>            };
>        }
>    }
> now newRequestCycle is gone, we have createRequestCycle, which is final
> and it uses RequestCycleProvider. so changing this to
> setRequestCycleProvider(new IRequestCycleProvider() {
>           �...@override
>            public RequestCycle get(RequestCycleContext context) {
>                if
> (!Configuration.getEnvironment().equals(Environment.PRODUCTION)) {
>                    return new RequestCycle(context);
>                } else {
>                    return new RequestCycle(context) {
>                       �...@override
>                        protected IRequestHandler
> handleException(Exception e) {
>                            //etc
>                        }
>                    };
>                }
>            }
>        });
> should have the same behavior, or??
> Also I couldn't find a substitute for this:
> http://wicket.apache.org/apidocs/1.4/org/apache/wicket/protocol/http/WebApplication.html#mount(java.lang.String,%20org.apache.wicket.util.lang.PackageName)
> and also for HybridUrlCodingStrategy. Or is hybrid even needed anymore?
> Where can I find out more about these new requestmapper stuff? (Please
> don't say in wicket-examples, I'm looking for a doc, like
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WICKET/URL+Coding+Strategies )
> Thanks
> Regards,
> Peter
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