Is this vacancy open to non-US residents?


On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 8:26 PM, Joachim F. Kainz <> wrote:

> My apologies to most of you who will consider this Spam, but we are
> looking for developers with Wicket experience in the San Francisco Bay
> Area.
> We are a "boutique" consulting business (not voluntarily, but we lacked
> lucrative product ideas when we started the business:). We are
> headquartered in San Francisco. Among other things we are behind two
> very successful mobile  web-sites of Fortune 25 companies. Rating
> agencies such as Gomez seem to think we develop some of the fastest and
> most efficient mobile web-sites in the US.
> We are looking for a number of Wicket developers for a project in
> Brisbane, CA. Besides being funny & personable candidates should have
> the following qualities:
>      * At least a year of hands-on experience with Wicket
>      * At least 5 years of experience with J2SE & J2EE
>      * Candidates must have experience with developing software at a
>        large enterprise; we are more tun than that, but we need you to
>        know how to behave.
>      * We are using Guice for dependency injection; experience with
>        this type of IOC would be a plus
>      * We are using jersey & cxf WebServices; you do not have to
>        religious about it (I prefer you are not), but you should now
>        how to use these technologies
>      * Maven runs our builds
>      * We are using agile and you will be required to create JUnit
>        tests and JavaDoc without nagging and complaining!
> Nothing beats having experience; having personality would also be a
> great plus.
> I do not represent a recruiting agency. The jobs are with my company
> directly. If you are interested, please send me a resume that reflect
> what you actually have done in your career. Don't put stuff on your
> resume you do not want me to ask you about in a phone screen. I have
> heard grown men cry before. It is not pretty.
> If you represent some commercial interest, please do not contact me. We
> are not working with recruiting agencies and I do not care how much
> cheaper resources are in China or India. I need capable people on-site
> right here in the US. Unless you are very, very, very good, we do not
> sponsor H1-Bs. Sorry, I am an immigrant myself, but we just do not like
> doing the H1-B paperwork.
> If, after reading all of this, you are still interested, please send
> your resume to and make sure you include some contact
> information.
> Best regards,
> Joachim

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