IMarkupCacheKeyProvider is for advanced users. you have to know what
you are doing when you implement the interface.

it makes sense to me that the key is application-scoped since there is
really no other scope that makes sense, and yes, like you said, its a
good idea to prefix the key with the fqn unless you want to share the
markup with other componets.


On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Martin Dietze <> wrote:
> We've recently run into a situation where in an application
> the wrong markup was provided for a component implementing
> IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. It is pretty obvious how this happened,
> see below, but I'd like to ask whether this behaviour is
> actually what we want or a bug.
> We have two components, both rendering their cache keys in the
> same way:
> | public String getCacheKey( final MarkupContainer container,
> |                            final Class<?> containerClass ) {
> |   return getId();
> | }
> The cache key was implemented in this simplistic way as the
> component would always render markup of which the only dynamic
> bit is the ID (an inner component is created with that ID and
> then added to the component itself which derives from Panel).
> In their respective pages both components were used in a
> RepeatingView, thus their IDs were integer numbers as provided
> by newChildId().
> After having successfully loaded the page containing the first
> of the two components loading the page containing the second
> component fails. Further analysis revealed the following:
> In MarkupCache#getMarkup() the respective components are
> returned as cache key providers; then getMarkupFromCache() is
> called on the cache key. The getMarkupFromCache() method has an
> argument `MarkupContainer container', but it is not used in the
> default implementation.
> Consequently, the markup cache returns the markup for the wrong
> component (since both happened to be created with the same IDs).
> This means that for the worst case one has to take care that
> the cache keys created in components such as the above need to
> be collision-free across the whole application.
> I can only speculate on why the respective component's container
> is ignored when looking up the markup from the cache. One could
> argue that this approach is simpler, also one could actually
> make use of this behaviour by reusing markup across components.
> The drawback is that this is error-prone (as in this case). Also
> if I use third-party components implementing IMarkupCacheKeyProvider
> the way they create their cache keys is beyond my control which
> makes keeping cache keys collision-free potentially problematic.
> As an immediate fix I think one should add a warning to the
> IMarkupCacheKeyProvider's JavaDoc pointing out that no checking
> of the components' hierarchy is performed, so that cache keys
> need to be application-wide unique. From my experience adding
> the fully qualified class name to the cache key is usually a
> good idea (unfortunately I had considered this unnecessary for
> such simplistic components)...
> Apart from that I'd like to ask whether this way of dealing with
> the markup cache is really what we want?
> Cheers,
> M'bert
> --
> ----------- / / -------------
> =+=
> Ich trink kein Wasser. Da ficken Fische drin...
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