On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 12:10 PM, Fernando Wermus

> Hi all,
>     I have coded the following to render a mail,
> Application app;
> try{
> app=MyApplication.get();
> }catch(Exception e){
> app=new WicketTester().getApplication();
> }
> final Application app2=app;
> final ExecutorService service = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1) {
> @Override
> protected void beforeExecute(final Thread t, final Runnable r) {
> Application.set(app2);
> };
> @Override
> protected void afterExecute(final Runnable r, final Throwable t) {
> Application.unset();
> }
> };
> service.submit(new ThreadMail(destinatarios, clazz, p));
> But, I got a org.hibernate.HibernateException: createCriteria is not valid
> without active transaction
> when I tried to load an entity in a model to be used in the PageMail.
> How can I attach the Transaction to the thread to get this working?
> thanks in advance
> --
> Fernando Wermus.
> www.linkedin.com/in/fernandowermus

This has nothing in particular to do with Wicket, and would be hard to
answer without knowing the details of what you are doing for transaction

Jeremy Thomerson

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