I would not add those external repositories to your own pom, but rely
on a repository manager instead to retrieve the dependencies.


 * artifactory
 * nexus
 * archiva


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 2:48 PM, Bas Gooren <b...@iswd.nl> wrote:
> More recent versions of hibernate are available in the JBoss maven repo
> (which I do not see in your pom.xml):
> <repository>
>  <id>jboss</id>
>  <url>https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/releases</url>
> </repository>
> Sebastian
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Josh Kamau" <joshnet2...@gmail.com>
> To: <users@wicket.apache.org>
> Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:44 PM
> Subject: Re: The Long, Long Dependency Trail
>> I suggest you use hibernate 3.5+. it seems more organized adding
>> hibernate-core , hibernate-annotations adds all the neccessary hibernate
>> dependencies.
>> I normally use hibernate JPA entity manager and all i add is one
>> dependency
>> for hibernate-entitymanager.
>> Regards.
>> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Ichiro Furusato
>> <ichiro.furus...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've been working with Wicket for about a week now and things were
>>> moving along all cruisy until I started adding Hibernate and
>>> Databinder dependencies into my POM. Then all hell broke loose and I
>>> seem to now find myself in the NoClassDefFoundError, then find and
>>> manually install jar cycle. I mean, things with Wicket were just so,
>>> well, SENSIBLE, and now I'm back in nightmare-programming-land again.
>>> In looking at some of the examples on the Web that combine Wicket and
>>> Hibernate, they don't seem to be needing anywhere near the number of
>>> dependencies I am now adding. I'm guessing I must be doing something
>>> wrong, as I'm still pretty new to Maven, being a longstanding Ant
>>> person. That I've had to manually install a whole bunch (6) of jars
>>> seems a clue. Part of this may be due to the folks who wrote
>>> Databinder using git rather than a maven repository (why oh why?!).
>>> My application extends net.databinder.auth.hib.AuthDataApplication so
>>> that it can be an authenticating database application. I've attached
>>> both the latest stack trace and my pom.xml file in hopes that some
>>> kind soul can tell me where I've gone terribly wrong. Perhaps I'm
>>> almost at the end of the dependency tunnel but I'm not yet seeing any
>>> light yet. I'm guessing this is probably a blaringly obvious problem,
>>> or maybe not a problem at all and I'm almost there.
>>> Thanks very much,
>>> Ichiro
>>> PS. BTW, I'm really enjoying Wicket so far; I haven't had this much
>>> fun programming since HyperCard. I hope it's not significantly more
>>> complicated a year or two from now than it is now. If the developer
>>> team can keep to that ethos of simplicity Wicket will only gain in
>>> popularity. Avoid the bloat.
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