
We are experiencing some problems in CharSetUtil.getEncoding(). When
used, we see the following stacktrace appear:

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 4, Size: 0
        at java.util.ArrayList.add(ArrayList.java:367)

As I understand the code in CharSetMap, it looks like the construction
of the encodings array list fails. The paths it tries to load encoding
map files from yield exceptions causing the array list to remain empty.

We already tried adding (as suggested on the mailing list earlier):


to our WebApplication#init method, but the issue remains. 

Any ideas on how to resolve this, or should we create a JIRA issue?



Jan Willem Janssen, M.Sc.
software engineer, Development

Planon B.V.
Wijchenseweg 8
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The Netherlands
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F:  +31 (0) 24 642 2942
E: j.jans...@planon.nl
W: www.planon-fm.com

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