Hello again,

I just had a look at the wicket packages of 1.4.12 and 1.5-M2.1 and I
found some differences. For example, wicket 1.5 has a new artifact
"wicket-request" and comparing the package structure there are some
changes, which are probably related to my problem:

`-- wicket
    |-- authorization
    |   |-- Action.java
    |   |-- AuthorizationException.java
    |   |-- strategies
    |   |   |-- action
    |   |   |   |-- ActionAuthorizationStrategy.java
    |   |   |   `-- IActionAuthorizer.java
    |   |   |-- CompoundAuthorizationStrategy.java
    |   |   `-- page
    |   |       |-- AbstractPageAuthorizationStrategy.java
    |   |       `-- SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy.java
    |   |-- UnauthorizedActionException.java
    |   `-- UnauthorizedInstantiationException.java

`-- wicket
   |-- authentication
   |   |-- AuthenticatedWebApplication.java
   |   |-- AuthenticatedWebSession.java
   |   |-- pages
   |   |   |-- SignInPage_fr.html
   `-- authorization
       `-- strategies
           `-- role
               |-- AbstractRoleAuthorizationStrategy.java
               |   |-- ActionPermissions.java
               `-- Roles.java

This looks good to OSGi as the classes are in disjoint packages in the
two bundles.

This changed in 1.5. There the structure looks like this:

`-- wicket
    |-- authentication
    |   |-- IAuthenticationStrategy.java
    |   `-- strategy
    |       |-- DefaultAuthenticationStrategy.java
    |       `-- NoOpAuthenticationStrategy.java

`-- wicket
    |-- authentication
    |   |-- AuthenticatedWebApplication.java
    |   |-- AuthenticatedWebSession.java
    |   |-- pages
    |   |   |-- SignInPage.html
    |   |   |-- SignInPage.java

The problem is the package org.apache.wicket.authentication now, because
the bundle wicket-1.5-M2.1 and wicket-auth-roles-1.5-M2.1 provide
classes from this package. The same refers to org.apache.wicket.request,
which is exported by wicket-request and wicket in 1.5. This leads to
problems in an OSGi environment. OSGi discourages those scenarios, but
still offers an solution for this. A (rather old) blog post on osgi.org
gives some hints on this:


It probably gets to weird loading errors if two classes from the same
package want to access each others fields or methods with package access,
but come from a different classloader... 

I'm no OSGi expert, so I don't know the right OSGi header that solves
this. Of course, a real solution would be to only have disjoint packages
:) I usually put the artifact name in my package name, to avoid any
clashes (in fact it makes sense in my module structure).

Kind regards,

On [Fri, 01.10.2010 10:05], Martin Grigorov wrote:
> Hi Elke,
> On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 8:34 AM, Eike Kettner <n...@eknet.org> wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I developed a wicket app using OSGi (felix) where different bundles may
> > contribute content to the wicket bundle. It works really nice using
> > wicket 1.4.9+. Now I want to upgrade to wicket 1.5 and I run in problems
> > starting the osgi container.
> >
> > It complains with the good-known classnotfound-exception for classes
> > like IClusterable and AuthenticatedWebapplication which all are classes
> > in packages exported by more than one bundle (for example
> > org.apache.wicket or org.apache.wicket.authentication). Earlier I found
> > this was a problem or at least a "not-good" for OSGi bundles. But as am
> > using OSGi 4.2 this may work with some special treatment (I'v never
> > tried this though). Do you think I'm doing something wrong or is this
> > something on the road for 1.5?
> >
> I don't have much experience with OSGi so can you give more details what
> exactly is the problem  ?
> I think there is no difference in these two classes between 1.4.x and 1.5.x.
> They are packed the same way.
> There is no difference in the bnd-maven-plugin configuration as well.
> If you can find where the problem comes from then we can improve it.
> >
> > Also, since I have implemented ..UrlCodingStrategy and a custom
> > RequestTarget I'm studying the new request handling in 1.5 sources to
> > find out where to "plugin" my stuff. Are there any documentation besides
> > source and javadoc for the new concepts? The code is good to read but if
> > there are some pictures and text available it would be of great help.
> >
> Unfortunately there is other documentation yet.
> The idea is:
> with application.getRootRequestMapperAsCompound().add(myMapper) you can add
> a IRequestMapper to the list of mappers.
> When a request comes Wicket asks all registered mappers whether they are
> able to process the request. Mappers with bigger
> org.apache.wicket.request.IRequestMapper.getCompatibilityScore(Request) are
> asked first. So Wicket calls
> org.apache.wicket.request.IRequestMapper.mapRequest(Request) for each mapper
> and if it returns non-null IRequestHandler then this is the handler which
> will be used. In #mapRequest(Request) use have to check request's segments
> (this is similar to httpServletRequest#getPath()) and request's parameters
> (get and post) and decide whether they match to your logic.
> After the handling of the request
> (org.apache.wicket.request.IRequestHandler.respond(IRequestCycle)) Wicket
> will ask the mapper to create a Url which will be used for all urlFor()
> calls, i.e. to create the urls for all links, form action, etc. via
> org.apache.wicket.request.IRequestMapper.mapHandler(IRequestHandler)
> There are IRequestMapper implementations for all url coding strategies from
> 1.4.x so you can use them as examples.
> Let us know if you need more help.
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> > Eike
> >
> > martin-g
> >
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