Altuğ, thanks for responding.

There are no errors reported in the log. All the classes in the project are serializable.

Could this be a bug?



On 10/10/2010 5:03 PM, Altuğ Bilgin Altıntaş wrote:
Did you look at Wicket's logs ?

Be sure serialization is done correctly.

2010/10/10 Hemant Shah<>

  I am new to the Wicket framework and I hope I can get some help with a
problem I am facing.

I am using version 1.4.12.

I am overriding the AjaxEditableLabel class and its overridden getConverter
method is at follows:

    public IConverter. getConverter(Class type) {
        return new PatternDateConverter("MM/dd/yyyy", true);

However, the first time in a session the component is updated, I get the
"Page Expired" message.  The error results only when the getConverter method
is called.

Note that this happens only the first time I access it in a session. If I
go to the home page and from there back to the page which contains the
component, it works without any problems.

I am not sure how to overcome this problem. I hope you guys can help.

- Hemant

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