On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Arjun Dhar <dhar...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> In my opinion; wicket doesn't mess with the "id" attribute till you tell it
> to. There are multiple means to change the id. but by default the id is not
> touched.
> Note: wicket:id is not the same as "id" of the HTML DOM element. So if you
> define an "id" in the markup it should stick.
> As per your quote::
> "because if the field is controlled by Wicket, the id will change. " -- You
> can choose what attributes are controlled by wicket. its not like an all or
> nothing scenario.

Actually, Wicket really does change your markup ID by default.  Try adding a
field to the page like 'new Label("name", someModel)' and you will end up
with <input type="text" id="name0" /> or something like that, depending on
other components on the page, if it's in a repeater, etc.

Jeremy Thomerson
*Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix! http://brixcms.org*

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