do it in the ddc's model


On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:14 AM, nino martinez wael
<> wrote:
> Thats not the problem... The problem are that the dropdown consists of
> Queue's and the backing model just are a string so I need to somehow convert
> the string from and to a queue..
> 2010/10/21 Andrea Del Bene <>
>> Hi Nino,
>> what kind of Model are you using as backing model? You can try nesting
>> models to extract string property from object
>> For example: <PropertyModel<Drop down control's model>>
>> See  IChainingModel for further informations.
>>  Hi
>>> I have an dropdown which gets feed a Queue list, I have a custom renderer
>>> which then select the name property as displayvalue. Now the property it's
>>> setting on the backing model are just a string which of course will not
>>> take
>>> a queue instance. So should I use a custom converter for this or something
>>> else?
>>> regards Nino
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