
> Can you see how this would fail?
> <html>
>  <form wicket:id="form1">
>    <input wicket:id="input" .../>
>  </form>
>  <form wicket:id="form2">
>    <input wicket:id="input" .../>
>  </form>
> </html>

That's old-school-wicket ;)

This would not be allowed anymore. An application would have to be
refactored (using an automated script) into:

 <form wicket:id="form1">
   <input wicket:id="input-1" .../>
 <form wicket:id="form2">
   <input wicket:id="input-X" .../>

We would simply change wicket syntax: panels and pages require unique
wicket id for all components.

> What about repeaters?

What about repeaters? Repeaters are generated on-the-fly anyways so
they can be definitely computed on-the-fly.

> What about if form1 was in BasePage.html and form2 was in HomePage.html
> (which extends BasePage.html) - how do we know which input component to
> get?  The one you called add on in BasePage.java, or the one in
> HomePage.java?  Oh, we can't differentiate which class you called add from
> within.  Oh, and you could have meant for the one added in HomePage.java to
> replace the one added in BasePage.java.
> How do you propose we do all that?

You win some, you lose some. Nobody ever complained that parent and
super classes cannot have protected fields with same names. Wicket:ids
simply are considered protected-scoped. Maybe it could also be
possible to define wicket:id:private which requires hierarcy and
wicket:id which is "friendly" visibility etc.

When there is a will, there is a way.


> --
> Jeremy Thomerson
> http://wickettraining.com
> *Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix! http://brixcms.org*

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