As I have already written in previous mail (pointing to exact line
that cause the errors) - Wicket is falling because it handles
forwardUrl in incorrect way. It tries to remove "/" and filterPath
from forwardUrl even though forwardUrl does not contain filterPath. I
guess that it is because of an assumption that only wicket exists in
application and no other framework has influence on forwardUrl. I
don't know what are other cases that are handled by those lines, but
forwardUrl can have any value and Wicket assume some concrete value.

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Igor Vaynberg <> wrote:
> first figure out why its failing - why is wicket generating a wrong
> url, and then you can determine if its a bug in wicket or somewhere in
> your configuration.
> -igor
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 2:21 AM, Krzysztof Kowalczyk
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have existing urls in a form:
>> /long,and,complex,title,id/new_opinion
>> /long,and,complex,title,id/something
>> or sometimes
>> /long,title/id/new_opinion
>> The links like "/long,and,complex,title" are managed by fast and
>> scalable view, and are stateless. Now we are using Wicket in the same
>> war. It is mounted to "/cms".
>> We are trying to replace forms, that are pure evil in the first
>> technology with wicket based forms. But we need to keep the links
>> untouched.
>> So I created  UrlRewrite ( rules:
>> <urlrewrite use-query-string="true">
>> <rule>
>>        <from>^/(.*),(\d+)/new_opinion$</from>
>>        <to>/cms/new_opinion/id/$2/url/$1</to>
>> </rule>
>> <rule>
>>        <from>^/(\?wicket.*)</from>
>>        <to>/cms/$1</to>
>> </rule>
>> ...
>> I have a wicket page - that is mounted on "/new_opinion" with enhanced
>> HybridUrlCodingStrategy with:
>> - redirectOnBookmarkableRequest = false
>> First rule forwards the request to proper place. Wicket gets the
>> correct requestUri and all the stuff. But the rule does not work if we
>> have redirectOnBookmarkableRequest = true because Wicket constructs
>> wrong urls in ServletWebRequest.getRelativePathPrefixToWicketHandler :
>>                if (!Strings.isEmpty(forwardUrl))
>>                {
>>                        // If this is an error page, this will be /mount or 
>> /?wicket:foo
>>                        relativeUrl = forwardUrl.substring(1);
>>                        relativeUrl = 
>> relativeUrl.substring(filterPath.length());
>>                }
>> before this fragment Wicket has correct link, after this we get:
>> "g,and,complex,title,id/new_opinion", or errors (sometimes the link is
>> shorter and I get array index out of bounds). If method does not throw
>> exception it returns wrong number of ../ . Unfortunately
>> redirectOnBookmarkableRequest = false does not solve the problem as
>> the second rule catches Wicket that are redirected if they hit
>> bookmarkable page. So this fragment need to be fixed in order to have
>> working bookmarkable links with UrlRewrite.
>> My temporary workaround is custom delegating WebRequest with small hack:
>> public String getRelativePathPrefixToWicketHandler() {
>>        HttpServletRequest httpRequest = getHttpServletRequest();
>>        String forwardUrl =
>> (String)httpRequest.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.servlet_path");
>>        final String filterPath =
>> (String)httpRequest.getAttribute(WicketFilter.FILTER_PATH_ATTR);
>>        if (!Strings.isEmpty(forwardUrl))
>>        {
>>                int count = forwardUrl.split("/").length;
>>                String string = "";
>>                for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
>>                        string += "../";
>>                }
>>                return string + filterPath;
>>        }else {
>>                return wrappedReqest.getRelativePathPrefixToWicketHandler();
>>        }
>> }
>> I guess it will not work in all cases though...
>> If there is a different way of doing url rewriting? If not, I consider
>> it a bug in Wicket.
>> Regards,
>> Krzysztof Kowalczyk
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