On 15 December 2010 21:05, Alex Objelean <alex.objel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Though this topic is quite old, I think it is still actual. Since the 1.5
> release is not far away, did anybody thought if the (at least) js resource
> merging should occur?

We at WiQuery have been discussing multiple approaches. All options so far
have downsides. Here is a shortlist:

- Merge all js resources and css into 1 js resource and 1 css resource.
        Problem: the 2 merged resources could be different on each page,
rendering this option useless. Also this causes alot of bandwidth.
        Fix: Serve 2 Mother Of All resources, meaning appending only new
resources to the 2 merged resources and serving them. This does not
illiminate the problem of having to serve resources per page.
- Serve deltas, meaning assessing which resources has already been served
and only serve the new resources, in a merged form, so the user still has
all the required resources.
        Problem: The client could have more resources than necessary, but
since they were already at the client this should not matter.
        Problem: Serving resources to the client possibly every page but the
size of the resources is considerable smaller than option 1.

I like option 2 more than option 1, simply because it costs less bandwidth.

> This is very useful when you have a page with a large number of components,
> each loading a large number of small resources. Having a single resource
> (js
> and/or css) as a result of page rendering could have a dramatic page
> loading
> time improvement.

This could be a problem yes, however there is no way to illiminate the fact
that a page has multiple resources.


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