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On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Matthias Keller
<> wrote:
> Hi
> This is an issue I frequently run into and I haven't found a good solution
> yet:
> I've got a Form using a CompoundPropertyModel and having lots of fields.
> The easy way to do these fields is:
> form.add(new RequiredTextField<String>("name"));
> The model object has a getter and setter for name, so all works well.
> Unfortunately, when the user doesn't enter a valid value, the Required error
> message shows up saying something like "Field 'name' is required".
> I could have a resource key "name" in my translations but this has the
> limitation, that all "name" fields in my whole app are translated the same
> way. Maybe one name is a human name, the other one is a machine name which
> have different translations...
> Is there an easy way to tackle this problem? For example have a prefix
> prepended to the field name or something else? One thing I want to avoid is
> to set an explicit label model for every field and if possible I'm hoping to
> avoid having to create different TextField subclasses for all my pages just
> prepending that string....
> How do you do this for large applications?
> Currently, we're reverting to
> form.add(new RequiredTextField<String>("", new
> PropertyModel<String>(model, "name")));
> which kinda defeats the whole CompoundPropertyModel stuff....
> Thanks a lot
> Matt

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