I am developing a generic CRUD app , that can edit any Spring/JPA entities
with a AbstractDao pattern's implementation , such as UserDaoImpl ,
ForumDaoImpl ...etc

In my wicket page : I have to use @SpringBean to identify which
PlatformTransactionManager to use , such as :

private PlatformTransactionManager transactionManagerUser;
private TransactionTemplate txTemplate;

public CrudPage(final PageParameters pps , final AbstractDao<T> dao)


  txTemplate= new TransactionTemplate(transactionManagerUser);

 The problem is , these DAOs are using different transaction managers , such
astransactionManagerUser , transactionManagerForum ...etc.

I cannot hard-code these txManager's name in my code. I have to
programmatically get the dao's txManager . How to achieve that ?

Thanks a lot !

Environments : Spring 3.0.5 , Hibernate-3.6 , JPA2

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