On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:11 AM, Zilvinas Vilutis <cika...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Jeremy,
> Thanks for the implementation ( I've found that you're the author of most
> of
> the files :) ) - it will be really useful in the future.
> 1st problem I ran into - no usage example in Javadocs :) However, mailing
> list helped!
> ... after that
> I've found that one of the core WiQuery classes renders javascript with
> response.renderString method (
> org.wicketstuff.jquery.JQueryBehavior.renderHead(IHeaderResponse) ):

Hmm, yeah, renderString doesn't give us any metadata to work with to realize
it's JS and therefore filter it.  It could be anything, or any combination
of things.  I think you should ask the WiQuery guys to change their usage to
use renderJavascript so that you can use this with it.

>    @Override
>    public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
>        try {
>            super.renderHead(response);
>            if(getIncludeJQueryJS(response)) {
>                    response.renderJavascriptReference(JQUERY_JS);
>                    if
> (Application.DEVELOPMENT.equals(Application.get().getConfigurationType()))
> {
>                        response.renderJavascriptReference(JQUERY_DEBUG_JS);
>                    }
>            }
>            CharSequence script = getOnReadyScript();
>            if ((script != null) && (script.length() > 0)) {
>                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
>                builder.append("<script
> type=\"text/javascript\">\n$(document).ready(function(){\n");
>                builder.append(script);
>                builder.append("\n});</script>");
>                response.renderString(builder.toString());
>            }
>        } catch (RuntimeException exc) {
>            throw exc;
>        } catch (Exception exc) {
>            throw new RuntimeException("wrap: " + exc.getMessage(), exc);
>        }
>    }
> Which is not being filtered and gets into header - which causes the
> "$('document')" string to be not valid before jquery.js was loaded.
> Basic features looks good and definitely a good start!
> Probably I'll need more examples how to use
> "AbstractResourceDependentResourceReference" to create JS Reference
> dependencies and make sure the order is all right.

Take a look at the examples and start a thread for questions if you have

Jeremy Thomerson
*Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix! http://brixcms.org*

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