Hello everybody!

Hope someone can help me. I don't really understand, what I should add as
ajax target :(

So, I have an abstract class Index where I add all my panels (3) and it is
my "masterlayout". I add the panels in the index class like this:

add(new ShoppingCartPanel("id", "anotherMehod");

The appropriate Markup has just following tags (ShoppingCartPanel.html):

In the other Page (that inherits from Index) I have implemented the

add(new AjaxSubmitLink("addtocart") {
            protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {

What I want is, when the link is activated the panel should be updated...

First: I don't really understand what I have add to the addComponent()
method ?
Second: Where schould I set setOutputMarupId(true) ?

Thank You!

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