2011/3/25 <mzem...@osc.state.ny.us>

> <Hi,
> <
> <I made a new test (serving a png and a js) with current trunk and the gap
> is
> <much smaller now: tomcat is 25% faster on average.
> <
> <Attila
> Attila can you elaborate on your tests?  Are you comparing the difference
> between using a resource reference (js) and image component (png) in
> wicket vs linking straight the to the files in html?  If so, what
> relevance does whether the static files are in META-INF or WEB-INF have?
> Not that much because if I am correct the extra overhead is introduced by
> having wicket process the resource and spit out the markup...

In speed test I compared the serving time of the static resources directly
(and not the rendering time of the url-s in the wicket page or the page
itself). With jmeter I calculated the average time for serving 20k times the
same resource trough Servlet 3.0 meta and trough wicket.


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