I have to agree with Maarten on points; without more documentation, prospective users will just dismiss this shortly after visitinga couple of webpages. Some questions:

- Does this offer static scaffolding (e.g. build time) or runtime? Are templating mechanisms available?

- What are the tier tyes covered? Wicket is in there, but how about business and persistance components (e.g. EJB)

- Is there a howto for what appears to be a sample app? What does the sample app include?

I did md4j [1] about five years ago; it was a similar concept, only for Struts1/JSP2/EJB2/Hibernate. It saved man-months in my teams, but people outside those never got it since we never made it easy documentation-wise. Eventually we left it behind and never got the chance to write something similar using more current components. Wicketopia could be usefull, maybe even to the point of us making contributions, but you really need more documentation!

[1] http://dev.abiss.gr/md4j/

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