Hi There!

   I'm quite new to wicket and I'm doing a web application where user's can
upload videos to youtube. For that, there is an youtube API from google. The
problem I have is that I need to use browser-based upload, which means, that
the actual upload should go directly to youtube and not to the server, where
my application is running.
   And that is the point where my lack knowledge of wicket is stopping me.

Basically I would like to present a user a form, where he can enter some
values about the video (name, category, etc), the file he wants to upload.
This form should be submitted than to the youtube site with post method and
some extra parameters. But I actually don't know how to do that. Can I
change target in standard wicket form? And if I use the form in popup, how
will I close the popup if the form goes to youtube?
Has anyone experience with this?

I don't know what else information to write here, so if anything more is
needed ask for it. I hope someone will help me.


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