I am currently working on an integration of SSL into our wicket application. If pages are accessed, which are annotated with @RequireHttps wicket correctly switches to SSL. This is achieved by adding:

     * Returns a HTTPS request cycle processor, if necessary
    protected IRequestCycleProcessor newRequestCycleProcessor()

        return new HttpsRequestCycleProcessor(getHttpsConfig())

protected IRequestTarget checkSecureIncoming(IRequestTarget target)
                return super.checkSecureIncoming(target);

protected IRequestTarget checkSecureOutgoing(IRequestTarget target)

                return super.checkSecureOutgoing(target);



to the application class (as also indicated by the wicket wiki). Ok - everything fine so far.

Now the next requirement is to always stay in SSL mode, if the user is logged in. I thought about extending the methods above and add logic such as

protected IRequestTarget checkSecureIncoming(IRequestTarget target)

                if (userisLoggedIn) {
return SwitchProtocolRequestTarget.requireProtocol(Protocol.HTTPS);

                return super.checkSecureIncoming(target);

However, I cannot access the SwitchProtocolRequestTarget class, because it is not defined as public.

What would you suggest in this case? Make a local copy of the class (which would work). However, that does not seem to be nice Java coding to me.

I was wondering what the other members of the mailing list think about it.

Kind regards

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