It's fix : when I paste code to show you, I notice that login form is not
added in modal window but in ConnexionContentPanel...
So I try this code :
        ModalWindowE4N modalWindow = (ModalWindowE4N)
        ConnexionContentPanel loginPanel = (ConnexionContentPanel)
        Form<?> loginForm = (Form<?>) loginPanel.get("loginForm");

        FormTester formTester =

and it works.
Thanks for your help.

2011/5/26 Mathilde Pellerin <>

> this is the code to construct modal window
>         final ModalWindowE4N modalConnexion = new
> ModalWindowE4N("modalConnexion");
>         modalConnexion.setTitle("Connexion à l'espace membre");
>         modalConnexion.setContent(new
> ConnexionContentPanel(modalConnexion.getContentId()));
>         add(modalConnexion);
> Form is added in ConnexionContentPanel :
> public ConnexionContentPanel(String id) {
>         super(id);
>         //Création du formulaire dont les champs seront liés aux champs
> d'un membre grace au model
>         Form<Membre> loginForm = new Form<Membre>("loginForm",
>                 new CompoundPropertyModel<Membre>(new
> LoadableDetachableModel<Membre>() {
>                     @Override
>                     protected Membre load() {
>                         return new Membre();
>                     }
>         }));
>         //Création et ajout des champs id et pwd au formulaire
>         TextField<Membre> idField = new TextField<Membre>("membreId");
>         idField.setRequired(true);
>         loginForm.add(idField);
>         PasswordTextField pwdField = new PasswordTextField("password");
>         pwdField.setRequired(true);
>         loginForm.add(pwdField);
>         //Ajout d'un du feedback panel qui contiendra les erreurs relevées
> par le formulaire
>         final FeedbackPanel feedBackPanel = new FeedbackPanel("errorMsg");
>         feedBackPanel.setOutputMarkupId(true);
>         add(feedBackPanel);
>         //création du bouton ajax pour soumettre le formulaire
>         AjaxButton submitbutton = new AjaxButton("ajaxSubmitLogin") {
>             @Override
>             protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form)
> {
>                 Membre modelObject = (Membre) form.getModelObject();
>                 Membre membre;
>                 membre = serviceIdentif.identifier(modelObject.getId(),
> modelObject.getPassword());
>                 if(membre == null)
>                     error("Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect");
>                 else
>                     setResponsePage(TableauBordPage.class);
>             }
>             @Override
>             protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form)
> {
>                 target.addComponent(feedBackPanel);
>             }
>         };
>         loginForm.add(submitbutton);
>         //ajout du formulaire au panel
>         add(loginForm);
>     }
> you can see that form id is correct.
> It is the same problem with FeedBackPanel errorMsg : I get a null pointer
> when I try to get it with modalWindow.get("errorMsg");
> 2011/5/26 Andrea Del Bene <>
>> Hi Mathilde,
>> maybe the form id you use in test is not correct. How do you add form to
>> modalWindow? Can you attach code?
>>  Hi all,
>>> I have a modal window with a login form inside that works fine when I
>>> test
>>> it manually.
>>> I try to test it with wicket tester since yesterday. I saw in some mails
>>> of
>>> this list that "there is nothing special in testing modal windows".
>>> I tried this :
>>>         tester.startPage(AccueilPage.class);
>>>         tester.clickLink("connexion");
>>>         ModalWindowE4N modalWindow = (ModalWindowE4N)
>>> tester.getComponentFromLastRenderedPage("modalConnexion");
>>>         tester.isVisible(modalWindow.getPageRelativePath() + ":" +
>>> modalWindow.getContentId());
>>>         Form<?>  loginForm = (Form<?>) modalWindow.get("loginForm");
>>>         Component feedbackPanel = modalWindow.get("errorMsg");
>>>         FormTester formTester =
>>> tester.newFormTester(loginForm.getPageRelativePath() + ":" +
>>> loginForm.getId());
>>> but I have a java.lang.NullPointerException on loginForm (and
>>> feedbackPanel
>>> is also null).
>>> I begin with Wiket and I really don't understand why it doesn't work.
>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>> Thanks
>>> Mathilde
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> --
>  Mathilde Pellerin  Ingénieur en Génie Logiciel  Tél mobile :
>   E-mail :   Mon CV en ligne :
> <>    Mes
> liens :  <>
> <>

 Mathilde Pellerin  Ingénieur en Génie Logiciel  Tél mobile :   E-mail
:   Mon CV en ligne :
<>    Mes
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