no, it doesn't work. I have this error :
org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: No AjaxEventBehavior found on
component: ajaxSubmitLogin which matches the event: onClick

And it is true that I have not add AjaxEventBehavior to my AjaxButton : I
just override the onSubmit method of my Ajax Button.

2011/5/26 Per Newgro <>

> As far as i understood this, FormTester submit is only for pushing the data
> from
> component to model. If you wait for the component to be executed the js
> event
> has to be executed.
> Is it working if you do an WicketTester.executeAjaxEvent("id", "onclick");
> ?
> Cheers
> Per
>  Hi all,
>> I am testing a form with FormTester and WicketTester.
>> When I test error messages which are send by form validation, test works
>> well :
>> tester.assertErrorMessages(new String[] {"Le champ 'Identifiant' est
>> obligatoire."});
>> but when I test error message which is send by my submit ajaxButton, test
>> fail : no error is sent.
>> When I test application manually, this error appears in feedBackPanel.
>> I don't understand why error is not sent when application is used by
>> wicketTester.
>> This is my submit button code :
>>         AjaxButton submitbutton = new AjaxButton("ajaxSubmitLogin") {
>>             @Override
>>             protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?>
>>  form)
>> {
>>                 Membre modelObject = (Membre) form.getModelObject();
>>                 Membre membre;
>>                 membre = serviceIdentif.identifier(modelObject.getId(),
>> modelObject.getPassword());
>>                 if(membre == null)
>>                     error("Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect");
>>                 else
>>                     setResponsePage(TableauBordPage.class);
>>             }
>>             @Override
>>             protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?>
>>  form) {
>>                 target.addComponent(feedBackPanel);
>>             }
>>         }
>> and my test code
>>         FormTester formTester =
>> tester.newFormTester(loginForm.getPageRelativePath());
>>         formTester.setValue("membreId", "benj");
>>         formTester.setValue("password", "password");
>>         formTester.submit("ajaxSubmitLogin");
>>         tester.assertErrorMessages(new String[] {"Identifiant ou mot de
>> passe incorrect"});
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 Mathilde Pellerin  Ingénieur en Génie Logiciel  Tél mobile :   E-mail
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