Hi, I figured out what was causing my problem.
For anyone else that gets the same thing...

I had a jquery modal with a form in it. Inside the form I had an input tag
of type "image". (<input type="image" src="/assets/img.jpg"/>)
I found that when I clicked the input tag ie was submitting the form. It
only happened when using ie 8 older.
It turns out that when I use an input tag of a different type then the
problem stopped.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 4:41 PM, Matthew Goodson <matt...@spidertracks.com>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have a jquery modal which contains a form which has an ajax button.
> The problem I have is that when using internet explorer 8 (and presumibly
> older versions) when the button is clicked an ajax callback is fired for the
> button AND also an ajax form submit callback is fired.
> This doesn't happen with ie9, firefox or chrome. For these browsers I just
> get the one ajax callback for the button which is what I would expect.
> Does anyone know what would cause the form submit to fire on ie8?
> Thanks for your help.
> Matthew Goodson



Software Engineer

Matthew Goodson | spidertracks

po box 5203 | 117a the square | Palmerston North 4441 | new zealand

P: +64 6 353 3395 | M: +64 27 6969639

E: *matt...@spidertracks.co.nz* <matt...@spidertracks.co.nz>   *

spiderwatch - because in the rescue game, time = life.

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