Am 09.06.2011 09:01, schrieb Nivedan Nadaraj:
Hi All,

I have a problem to deal with binding selected values into a model within a
ListView. I have tried to outline the approach and class definitions out
here. I hope I have been clear. Would appreciate your thoughts on the design
and approach i have taken so far. I guess am pretty close to it just one

public class MainVO{
     private List<UserModuleRole>  userRoleList;
public class UserModuleRole{
         private Role role;
         private Module module;
         private User user;

1. I want to list the modules and the roles available for each module in a
list view.
2. Select a Role from  each module  for a user
3. Save - Will have the user linked to one or more modules with a role for
each.(only one role per module)


I used a ListView and rendered the list of modules and their respective
roles in a drop down. To render this List view these are the steps I took.

public class ModuleVO implements Serializable{

         private Module module;
         private List<Role>  moduleRoles;

1. I get a Collection/List of ModuleVO via the service. The collection will
have a ModuleVO per module with the associated roles as a member.
2. I iterated the list and rendered the Module and render a DropDownChoice
3. End of which I get the following output in the list
Output from List view*:

Module       Role
Module-A   Role-1

Module-B   Role-3

What I have not done and not clear is:
4. At this time I have not bound a Model to the dropdown and just used new
Model() for the Model argument of dropDownChoice.

I know that the selected values must eventually be in the MainVO's
List<UserModuleRole>  userRoleList property.

What is not very clear to me at this point is how to bind it that when
the user saves the selected values are captured. I am sure this is possible
and should be elegant. Your thoughts and time will be of great value.

Many thanks

Instanciate the MainVO with a UserModuleRole for every Module and the known user. The role
has only to be loaded if it's already assigned. That is the base.
If your listview is on a panel / form - give it the MainVO instance.
Set the MainVO.userRoleList to the ListView by using a PropertyModel<List<UserModuleRole>>. In ListView.populateItem you get every single UserModuleRole. Render the UserModuleRole to the
The DDC for the roles gets a PropertyModel pointing to the UserModuleRole of the ListViewItem. The selectable Roles have to be provided by a LoadableDetachableModel calling your service.


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