Hi Mathilde,

have you got any ListView component in your form? Do you use AJAX for form submitting?
Hi all,

I have a form which can send error message (on validation or on submit) and
I try to show them in feedbak panel :
I try with FeedBack panel like this :
Java :
             add(new FeedbackPanel("feedbackPanelPassword"));

             Form<Void>  formNouveauPwd =

             <div wicket:id="feedbackPanelPassword"></div>
             <form wicket:id="changementPassword">

and I try with ComponentFeedbackPanel like this :
Java :
ComponentFeedbackPanel("feedbackPanelPassword", formNouveauPwd));

             <form wicket:id="changementPassword">
                         <td colspan="2"><span
                         <td>Ancien mot de passe :</td>
                         <td><input wicket:id="password" type="password"
                         <td>Nouveau mot de passe :</td>
                         <td><input wicket:id="newPwd" type="password"
                         <td>Confirmation du nouveau mot de passe :</td>
                         <td><input wicket:id="confirmNewPwd" type="password"
                         <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">
                             <input wicket:id="boutonModifierPwd"
type="submit" value="Changer de mot de passe"/>

but each time I have "Component-targetted feedback message was left
unrendered " error.
At the beginning, I thougth that I was these error because I had to forms in
my page. But then I test with only one form and errors still there and
feedbackPanel is not shown in my page.

I really don't understand why, because in another page my feedbackPanel
works well : the only difference is that it is in a panel component. But in
wicket documentation it doesn't seem necessary to have panel component to
feedbackPanel works...


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