I've mapped my home page to "home" usingHybridUrlCodingStrategy.

Testing with http://www.internetofficer.com/seo-tool/redirect-check/ shows a 302 redirect for;

"domain.com" to "domain.com/home.0"
"domain.com/home" to "domain.com/home.1"

Google does not like the redirect and is reporting a redirect error in Webmaster Tools. Google will not follow the page with a redirect and wants a direct link in sitemap.xml. Well with HybridUrl I'm not sure this is possible because it will redirect to the numbered version, home.0, home.1, etc...

I'm thinking of switching to a BookmarkablePage mount to solve this issue, but the home page has ajax controls and I'd prefer to support the browser back button without the cache control fix for ajax. Any other suggestions?

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