Can you check ?
This is Wicket 1.5-RC5.1 and it works for me with IE8.

Wicket 1.4.17 at

On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Kurt Sys <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> In IE, I can't get lazyloadpanels to load. I have a webapp with some
> lazyloadpanels, and none of them loads in IE - in other browsers, there is
> no problem. (Also, the content of an iframe doesn't load, which seems to be
> related, since it is also an ajax-request.) I've been trying both IE 8 and
> IE 9 on three different pc's. Can someone give me a clue why it won't work
> in IE? (IE security settings are set to low, scripts etc are
> enabled/allowed, so I suppose ajax-requests can be performed... if not, I
> have no clue how to allow ajax in IE.) You may check it out:
> I've been checking on similar problems with lazyloadpanel in ie, and the
> problem was known in 2008 (if it's the same, but it looks really similar):
> There seems to be a bug report and a 'fixed' status, although it doesn't
> seem to work out fine for me - the last comment states that the fix is not
> confirmed. Or I am  missing something, which wouldn't really surprise me :),
> or there still something wrong with the precondition stuff and loading the
> panel in IE:
> Ajax debug window (only these three lines):
> --
> INFO: Ajax GET stopped because of precondition check,
> url:?wicket:interface=:3:mainpanel:bloglist:1:commentaar::IBehaviorListener:0:
> INFO: Ajax GET stopped because of precondition check,
> url:?wicket:interface=:3:mainpanel:bloglist:2:commentaar::IBehaviorListener:0:
> INFO: Ajax GET stopped because of precondition check,
> url:?wicket:interface=:3:weer::IBehaviorListener:0:
> --
> HomePage.html:
> --
> [...]
> <body>
> <wicket:extend>
> [...]
>      <div wicket:id="route" />
> [...]
>            <div wicket:id="mainpanel" />
> [...]
>            <div wicket:id="weer" class="weer" >&nbsp;
>            </div>
> [...]
>      </div>
> </wicket:extend>
> </body>
> </html>
> --
> --
> [...]
> public class HomePage
>      extends BasePage {
>   Panel mainPanel;
>   Label linktekst;
>   public HomePage() {
>      this(null);
>   }
>   public HomePage(PageParameters pars) {
> [...]
>      add(new RoutePanel("route"));
>      if (pars != null) {
>         mainPanel = new BlogPanel("mainpanel", pars.getAsInteger("id"));
>      }
>      else {
>         mainPanel = new BlogPanel("mainpanel");
>      }
>      add(mainPanel);
> [...]
>      add(new AjaxLazyLoadPanel("weer") {
>         @Override
>         public Component getLazyLoadComponent(String markupId) {
>            return new WeerPanel(markupId,
> reis.getBlogitemList().get(0).getLocation().getName());
>         }
>      });
>   }
> }
> --
> BlogPanel.html
> --
> [...]
>      <wicket:panel>
> [...]
>         <ul class="bloglist">
>            <li wicket:id="bloglist" class="blogitem">
> [...]
>                   <div wicket:id="commentaar" />
>                     </div>
> [...]
>            </li>
>         </ul>
> [...]
>      </wicket:panel>
>   </body>
> </html>
> --
> --
> [...]
> public final class BlogPanel
>      extends Panel {
>   private static final int ITEMSPERPAGE = 3;
>   public BlogPanel(String id) {
>      this(id, 0);
>   }
>   public BlogPanel(final String id, final int blogid) {
>      super(id);
>      setOutputMarkupId(true);
> [...]
>      List<Blogitem> blogitemList =
>            Q.EM.createNamedQuery("Blogitem.findAll", Blogitem.class).
>            setHint(QueryHints.REFRESH, HintValues.TRUE).getResultList();
>      BlogListView blogListView = new BlogListView(
>            "bloglist",
>            new ListDataProvider(blogitemList),
>            ITEMSPERPAGE) {
>         @Override
>         protected void populateItem(final Item<Blogitem> item) {
> [...]
>            item.add(new AjaxLazyLoadPanel("commentaar") {
>               @Override
>               public Component getLazyLoadComponent(String markupId) {
>                  return new CommentaarPanel(markupId,
> item.getModelObject());
>               }
>            });
> [...]
>         }
>      };
> [...]
>      add(blogListView);
> [...]
> }
> abstract class BlogListView
>      extends DataView<Blogitem> {
>   BlogListView(String id, ListDataProvider ldp, int i) {
>      super(id, ldp, i);
>   }
> [...]
>   }
> }
> --
> CommentaarPanel.html:
> --
> [...]
>   <body>
>      <wicket:panel>
>         <div wicket:id="commentaarToevoegen" />
>         <ul>
>            <li wicket:id="commentaarList" class="commentaar">
>               <p class="zegt"><span wicket:id="tijdstip" /> - <span
> wicket:id="commentator" class="schrift commentator" /> laat weten:</p>
>               <p wicket:id="tekst" class="schrift" />
>            </li>
>            <div wicket:id="commentaarNav" class="navigator navigatordown"
> />
>         </ul>
>      </wicket:panel>
>   </body>
> </html>
> --
> --
> [...]
> public final class CommentaarPanel
>      extends Panel {
>   private Blogitem blog;
>   private List<Comment> commentList;
>   private DataView<Comment> commentListView;
>   public CommentaarPanel(String id, Blogitem blog) {
>      super(id);
> = blog;
>      setOutputMarkupId(true);
>      commentList = blog.getCommentList();
>      Collections.sort(commentList);
>      commentListView =
>            new DataView<Comment>("commentaarList",
>                                  new ListDataProvider(commentList),
>                                  5) {
>               @Override
>               protected void populateItem(Item<Comment> item) {
>                  item.add(new Label("tekst",
> item.getModelObject().getText()));
>                  item.add(new Label("commentator",
> item.getModelObject().getName()));
>                  item.add(new Label("tijdstip",
> Q.DF.format(item.getModelObject().getTimestamp())));
>               }
>            };
>      add(commentListView);
>      add(new AjaxPagingNavigator("commentaarNav", commentListView) {
>         @Override
>         public boolean isVisible() {
>            return this.getPageable().getPageCount() > 1;
>         }
>      });
>      add(new CommentaarToevoegenPanel("commentaarToevoegen", this));
>   }
>   public Blogitem getBlog() {
>      return blog;
>   }
>   public List<Comment> getCommentList() {
>      return commentList;
>   }
>   public DataView<Comment> getCommentListView() {
>      return commentListView;
>   }
> }
> --
> WeerPanel.html:
> --
> [...]
>   <body>
>      <wicket:panel>
>         <span wicket:id="locatie" /><br />
>         <img wicket:id="icoonhuidig" class="weericoon" />
>         <p>temperatuur: <span wicket:id="temperatuur" />&deg;C<br />
>         vochtigheid: <span wicket:id="vochtigheid" /><br />
>         wind: <span wicket:id="wind" /></p>
>      </wicket:panel>
>   </body>
> </html>
> --
> --
> [...]
> public final class WeerPanel
>      extends Panel {
>   private String locatie;
>   public WeerPanel(String id, String locatie) {
>      super(id);
>      this.locatie = locatie;
>      init();
>   }
>   public WeerPanel(String id) {
>      this(id, "Brugge");
>   }
>   private void init() {
>      Document doc = null;
>      {
>         InputStream in = null;
>         try {
>            URL xmlUrl = new URL(""; +
> locatie);
>            in = xmlUrl.openStream();
>            doc = parse(in);
>         }
>         catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
>            Logger.getLogger(WeerPanel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE,
> null, ex);
>         }
>         catch (IOException ex) {
>            Logger.getLogger(WeerPanel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE,
> null, ex);
>         }
>         finally {
>            if (in != null) {
>               try {
>                  in.close();
>               }
>               catch (IOException ex) {
> Logger.getLogger(WeerPanel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
>               }
>            }
>         }
>      }
>      String locatieString = "<ongekend>";
>      String srcicon = "";;
>      String temperatuur = "<?>";
>      String vochtigheid = "<?>";
>      String wind = "<?>";
>      if (doc != null) {
>         locatieString =
>  doc.getElementsByTagName("city").item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("data").getNodeValue();
>         NodeList nl =
> doc.getElementsByTagName("current_conditions").item(0).getChildNodes();
>         for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
>            Node n = nl.item(i);
>            if (n.getNodeName().equals("icon")) {
>               srcicon +=
> n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("data").getNodeValue();
>            }
>            else if (n.getNodeName().equals("temp_c")) {
>               temperatuur =
> n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("data").getNodeValue();
>            }
>            else if (n.getNodeName().equals("humidity")) {
>               vochtigheid =
> n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("data").getNodeValue().split(": ")[1];
>            }
>            else if (n.getNodeName().equals("wind_condition")) {
>               wind =
> n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("data").getNodeValue().split(": ")[1];
>            }
>         }
>      }
>      add(new Label("locatie", locatieString));
>      add(new StaticImage("icoonhuidig", srcicon));
>      Label temperatuurLabel = new Label("temperatuur", temperatuur);
>      temperatuurLabel.setRenderBodyOnly(true);
>      add(temperatuurLabel);
>      Label vochtigheidLabel = new Label("vochtigheid", vochtigheid);
>      vochtigheidLabel.setRenderBodyOnly(true);
>      add(vochtigheidLabel);
>      Label windLabel = new Label("wind", wind);
>      windLabel.setRenderBodyOnly(true);
>      add(windLabel);
>   }
>   public static Document parse(InputStream is) {
>      Document ret = null;
>      DocumentBuilderFactory domFactory;
>      DocumentBuilder builder;
>      try {
>         domFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
>         domFactory.setValidating(false);
>         domFactory.setNamespaceAware(false);
>         builder = domFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
>         ret = builder.parse(is);
>      }
>      catch (Exception ex) {
>         System.err.println("unable to load XML: " + ex);
>      }
>      return ret;
>   }
> }
> --

Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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