Am 18.07.2011 13:43, schrieb Wilhelmsen Tor Iver:
*But* the link leads me to the solr response page. I know it's intended
by clicking a link to get directed to the called page, but i would like
to call the url and immediatly after that call i would like to redirect
to wicket page.
Sounds like what you really want to do is use Apache commons-httpclient or the 
like to make a server-side call Solr (to trigger what you want), then show a 
Wicket page as normal. You do not always need to use a browser to perform a 
HTTP request you know... :)

- Tor Iver

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HttpClient looks great. Do you know if i can execute the HttpMethod without waiting for request to comeback?
Maybe an asynchronous way?


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