Hi Mathilde,

why not simply substitute modal window content instead of reloading page and creating a brand new modal window? Your code doesn't work because setResponsePage create a new instance of QuestionnairesPage different from the one referenced by qPage variable.

Hi all,

I have a page with an AjaxLink which shows a modal window. This modal window
contains a form and when we submit the form, modal window disappear, my page
is reloaded and a second ajaxLink is created. When we click on this second
ajaxLink, another modal window appears.
This part works well, but now, I want that the second modal window appears
after submitting the first form (and so without clicking on the second ajax

I try this on my form onSubmit method :
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?>  form) {
     //[...] some form processing

     membreCourant = serviceMembre.enregistrerReponses(membreCourant,
     //reload the page, so first modal window disappears and second ajax link
is created
     setResponsePage(QuestionnairesPage.class, new PageParameters("p=3"));

     //on affiche le module correspondant au questionnaire qu'on vient de

qPage is initialize on modal window constructor:
     public QuestionnaireContentPanel(String id, QuestionnairesPage
         this.qPage = questionnairesPage;
         Form<Void>  qForm = creationFormulaireQuestionnaire();

but it doesn't work : second modal window is not shown.
What am I doing wrong?

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