I fixed it with this: <form wicket:id="wrapperForm_0" > <div wicket:id="modalWindow_0"></div> </form> and so got DateTimeFieldS working correctly in IE when using ModalX Only problem is that it adds extra height to the caption area. ________________________________
From: Chris Colman [mailto:chr...@stepaheadsoftware.com] Sent: Monday, 8 August 2011 2:32 PM To: users@wicket.apache.org Subject: Form in a form for ModalWindows Having problems trying to get DateTimeField working inside a ModalWindow in IE* (same code works fine on all other browsers). I believe it is because, for some reason, every ModalWindow containing a form must be enclosed within an outer form. I've tried: <form> <div wicket:id="modalWindow_0"></div> </form> But it makes no difference. The problem still occurs. Is it sufficient to just 'wrap' the ModalWindow in a form or do I need to do some extra bits to make it happy? Yours sincerely, Chris Colman Pagebloom Team Leader, Step Ahead Software pagebloom - your business & your website growing together Sydney: (+61 2) 9656 1278 Canberra: (+61 2) 6100 2120 Email: chr...@stepahead.com.au <mailto://chr...@stepahead.com.au> Website: http://www.pagebloom.com <blocked::http://www.pagebloom.com/> http://develop.stepaheadsoftware.com <blocked::http://develop.stepaheadsoftware.com/>