Hi all,

I have a panel that redirects to another page if the user isn't logged in, e.g

public MyPanel(String id) {

   Integer accountId = sessionBean.getAccountId();
   if (accountId == null) { // not logged in, redirect to login
setResponsePage(LoginPage.class, new PageParameters("siteId=" + sessionBean.getSiteId()));

   ... do normal panel display


I naively setup my test like this:

        tester.startPanel(new ITestPanelSource() {

            public Panel getTestPanel(String panelId) {
                return new MyPanel(panelId);


but I get:
- Redirecting to /BaseTestCase$1/BaseTestCase$1/?wicket:interface=:1::::

- Unable to find component with id 'welcome' in [MarkupContainer [Component id = panel]]. This means that you declared wicket:id=welcome in your markup, but that you either did not add the component to your page at all, or that the hierarchy does not match.
[markup = file:/home/Developer/build/component/page/account/MyPanel.html

I see that redirect is logged by Wicket, but
WicketTester still tries to render MyPanel, when it shouldn't...

is there a way to work around this issue?



P.S. testing with enclosing page, e.g. tester.startPage(new MyPage(new PageParameters())); produces the same error

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