Hi all,

I just noticed that exceptions occuring in onEndRequest of a RequestCycle somehow do not reflect on the respone page.

I am using an AjaxFallbackButton and the OSIV pattern and thus commit my database changes in onEndRequest, now if an exception occurs here I do get a log entry but I cannot get my application to display the corresponding error to the user.

Adding a message to the feedback panel does not help as the message gets displayed on the following request but not the current one. I also tried using various AbortExceptions like RedirectToUrlException, RestartResponseException or AbortWithWebErrorCodeException. This did improve the situation as far as the request did get aborted but there is still no visual display of the error.

Setting the ResponsePage directly and/or setting redirect to true did not change anything.

This sounds like a common problem and so I guess there is an easy solution to it, but I just don't get it right now, so any pointers are welcome.

Thanks, Chris

The Sanity Resort <http://sanityresort.blogspot.com/>

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