Hello everyone,

I'm using an AjaxLazyLoadPanel in one of my pages to lazily load a
datatable where the data is read in from some files, which might take a
while. This is working fine so far.
However, I also need to provide functionality to clear the whole table and
read in the data from the files again. I would like to do that without
reloading the whole page, so I'm using an IndicatingAjaxButton for that.
Now when reloading the data for the table again, I get the nice spinning
Indicator next to the button but the table is still visible. I would like
to have the same visual effect as when the page is loaded and
the AjaxLazyLoadPanel shows the Indicator instead of the table and then
replaces it with the actual table once it's loaded.

How would I do that? Any hints would be appreciated.


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