On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Fabiosakiyam <fabiosakiy...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Bertrand,
> I have almost the same problem you do (i think, im still a newbie).
> I'm trying to create a component that creates one specific container,
> depending on it's type. So i'd like to add only this container. I'm having
> problem at the .html, since i don't know if i should declare all
> wicket:id="idContainer" or just the chosen one, since each container have
> it's own .html, how to 'link' the component html to the container .html.
> I want to know what you did on your .html, 'cause since your adding only
> the
> chosen panel to add, how you declared all possible panels on the .html? i
> wonder if you declared all panels on the .html or only the chosen one...

I think I just responded to you in your own thread - where I didn't know
what you were trying to do.  I still don't claim to fully understand, but I
think I better understand your question here.  If you mean that you have
one panel that *may possibly contain any one of X panels*, then here's one


  Some markup here
  Blah, blah, blah...
  <div wicket:id="childPanel"></div>
  More surrounding markup...


class ContainingPanel extends Panel {

  public void onBeforeRender() {
    if(getModelObject() is of some type) {
      addOrReplace(new SomePanel("childPanel"));
    } else if(getModelObject() is of some other type) {
      addOrReplace(new SomeOtherPanel("childPanel"));

You only need one wicket:id in your containing panel.  You just swap at
runtime which component actually shows up in that spot.

Jeremy Thomerson
*Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix! http://brixcms.org*

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