Hi All,

We have completed a pretty extensive localisation of our large wicket
application with great success, just about every string in the application
is now happily served from our language xml files.

But we have noticed some places our language conversions are not coping.
Our issue is with WiQuery and some simple JQuery javascript plugins.

We're running Wicket 1.4.18, with matching WiQuery.

When we bind JS event to components using wiquery, the resultant
wiquery-gen files show ??????? instead of the localised text.

For example, we have a 'watermark' jquery plugin for some text fields,
shows grey text with some default message, say 'Today' then when u click it
removes the text..

The JS is bound via a WiQuery Resource Reference that appears in the file


But looking inside the generated js file we get:



        $('#dialoga').dialog({autoOpen: false, position: 'center', title:
'????????? ?? ??????????? ?????', modal: true, width: 605});

I traced this through to see if it was an issue on our end and where was it
getting its content from, but it seems things are right.

Debugging through

I get content as I would expect



       $('#dialoga').dialog({autoOpen: false, position: 'center', title:
'Отправить по электронной почте', modal: true, width: 605});

But somewhere from where this is created and it being returned to the
browser it is corrupted.

Anyone got any pointers?



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