the effects of the caching strategy can been for example on package resources 
(e.g. javascript, css, images) …

e.g. start wicket-examples and load the 

  "pub - Localization"

page (the page with the different beers :-)

From looking at the html source you see url's like this:


part of the url is the fingerprint which is provided by the deployment caching 
strategy (= MessageDigestResourceVersion) since the sample runs with config = 

the code that sets the strategies can been seen in the method


you also see in the sample that the beer image, which is an 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.image.Image works with different locales. Just 
switch the country and see that the fingerprints changes for the same resource 
url with different locale qualifiers in the query string.

If you want to implement own resource types that should use the caching 
strategy they should implement 
org.apache.wicket.request.resource.caching.IStaticCacheableResource (read the 

also you should construct urls using wicket's urlFor(…) so the caching strategy 
gets applied to the url.

if you just want to use wicket's default resource types (package resources, 
etc.) you don't have to do anything since caching should work transparently.


Am 30.11.2011 um 14:21 schrieb chris.schaefer:

> yes we also tested with the default strategy, it does not change anything.
> and 
> yes we reviews the link about caching already.
> no we have not found any working example for wicket 1.5. and caching, but
> reviewed most of the samples and git sources i think. which example would be
> the working one ? 
> thanks.
> chris
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