I have a page containing a number of AjaxLinks that when clicked fetch data and 
update some panels. When a user leaves one of these pages and returns via the 
back button the state of the page isn't always how they left it. However, this 
behavior happens only when the page is returned to the second time. Using the 
the request logger I've been able to partially explain this with the page IDs:

First visit to page X has a page ID of 3
AjaxLink requests for this page also have a page ID of 3. 
User leaves page then returns to page X via the back button; this request also 
has ID of 3
User clicks AjaxLinks again, but here a new X page is created with an ID of 5
User leaves page and again returns with the back button. Here the page state is 
as they left it in #2, and the URL confirms the page ID of 3

I understand using the back button will always take the user to ID 3 since it 
is present in the URL. 
My workaround so far is to add the Page component to the target of my AjaxLink 
onClick()s. This increments the page ID whenever an AjaxLink is clicked and is 
reflected in the URL, so the back button always returns to the last state. 
So I have two questions - Why is a new page X created in step 4 above, and why 
does adding the Page component to the ajax request target make a new page map 

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