I'm getting a org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.StalePageException when
using the CryptoMapper and clicking on a menu item. My menu items are a
wrapper for the yui library that I created. The way that I'm creating the
ajax callback is via a behavior. Below is my behavior. It works when I
don't use the CryptoMapper.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

public class YuiMenuBarItemSelectionBehavior extends
private YuiMenuBarItem menuItem;
 public YuiMenuBarItemSelectionBehavior(YuiMenuBarItem menuItem)
this.menuItem = menuItem;
protected void onBind()
menuItem.setUrl("javascript: " + generateCallbackScript("wicketAjaxGet('" +
getCallbackUrl() + "'").toString());

protected void respond(AjaxRequestTarget target)

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