Use a LoadableDetachableModel.  You shouldn't be serializing
persistent objects (unless of course you're in the middle of editing
them or something).

On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Bálint Kriván <> wrote:
> Hey!
> It seems that when wicket is trying to serialize the persistent objects
> (probably to session) the lazy loading kicks in and it retrieves the whole
> graph.
> Not sure if wicket is using the default java serialization or a special
> one, but is there anybody else who is/were experiencing the same? By any
> chance would you have any suggestion how can I overcome this?
> It would be a great solution if an association is persisted when it's
> loaded, but if it isn't then do not lazy load it, just leave it null.
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Bálint Kriván

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