I have 2 JavaBeans A & B. A has 2 fields: String name, Integer b_id. B has
2 fields: Integer id, String display.

I have a list of beans for B:
1, "foo"
2, "bar"

I have a single A bean, where its b_id corresponds to an id in bean B
(basically the beans represent 2 tables in a DB with the ids as references
to each other). I want to create a form to edit bean A which includes a
drop-down for all the possible options for bean B. The one hitch is that I
want groups for my drop-down, so I believe I'm forced to use Select &
SelectOption with the appropriate mark-up in HTML.

I have the form completed and working for changing A's name field, but I
cannot figure out how to link the drop-down which displays all my options
for bean B to A's b_id field. I'm using a PropertyModel to modify A's name
field, and but I missing how to link A's b_id to the id from B. Also, my
<select> has values like option3, option4, option5... I would think I'd
need these to be B's id field values for this to work.

Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. I'm very
close, just missing this one link between my two models.

Thanks in advance...


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