We have a scenario where single person can log in under different
accounts on the same website. Different user types will typically go to
different page types.
A single person using different accounts is not normally required but we
are demonstrating to corporate clients how the system will be used by
different user types. In the demonstration we need to log in as an
'admin' user to demo the admin aspects and then we need to log in as a
'standard' user to demonstrate the aspects that will apply to a standard
The admin page uses RedirectToInterceptException to authentication page
if no one is logged in.
The standard page uses the home page to authenticate and throws new
RestartResponseException(new AuthenticatePage(parameters)) if no one is
authenticated (i.e. no intercept)
After authentication we either continue or go to the 'default' page for
a standard user.
Code looks like this:
                        If ( authenicationSucceeded )
                                    if (
!continueToOriginalDestination() )
                                                // Was not redirected to
this authentication page so go to default destination for the home page
                                                // Find default page for
standard users and go to that page
What we find is that after an admin log on (with intercept/continue
sequence) a subsequent standard user log on will not execute the above
body because continueToOriginalDestination returns 'true' even though
this page was not an intercept page. 
It looks like after an intercept/continue has occurred it does not clear
the 'original destination' attribute and so a subsequent call to
continueToOriginalDestination will return true when it should really
return false.
Is the attribute that stores 'original destination' cleared after
continueToOriginalDestination? Should it be?
Yours sincerely,
Chris Colman
Pagebloom Team Leader,
Step Ahead Software

pagebloom - your business & your website growing together
Sydney: (+61 2) 9656 1278     Canberra: (+61 2) 6100 2120     
Email: chr...@stepahead.com.au <mailto://chr...@stepahead.com.au> 
http://www.pagebloom.com <blocked::http://www.pagebloom.com/> 

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