You should take a look at some of the RAD tools for persistence with
Wicket.  I wrote a library called Wicketopia that can probably help
you get started.

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 4:35 PM, JASON HOLT <> wrote:
> I'll repeat my plea for patience as I'm new to Java and Wicket, but have some 
> minimal experience with forms (not MVC). I've reached that point in 
> the learning process where I want to interact with a database and I wish to 
> use entities and Hibernate to make it easier. From what I've seen in various 
> blogs and forums, some say you shouldn't use entities as models, yet others 
> do it with LDMs. Since I'm taking baby steps, I want to start by using 
> entities as models, unless someone convinces me I'm wasting my time. 
> Following the basic Hibernate tutorials for persisting simple classes, I've 
> managed to make the following work in Wicket. In the LDM load... @Override
> public Person load()
> {
>   Session session =  WicketApp.sessionFactory.openSession();
>   session.beginTransaction();
>   Person person = (Person) session.get(Person.class, 1L);
>   session.getTransaction().commit();
>   session.close();
>   return person;
> } In the form I update the evil entity model with text boxes, using a CPM 
> containing the LDM. In the submit button... public void onSubmit()
> {
>   Session session = WicketApp.sessionFactory.openSession();
>   session.beginTransaction();
>   session.update(ldm.getObject());
>   session.getTransaction().commit();
>   session.close();   this.setResponsePage(EndPage.class);
> } The sessionFactory is a static member of the WicketApp application class, 
> initialized in the init() method. This seems to work, but I suppose there are 
> all kinds of faulty design patterns used here. My main concern is... how can 
> I do this without opening a new Hibernate session in onSubmit()? During 
> postback, I think I should be able to reuse the same session opened at 
> ldm.load() in onSubmit() also, as it all occurs in the same request. Is this 
> possible? Thanks for your assistance. Please feel free to point out every 
> flaw.

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