Not sure if this is a known issue, in a project using
wicket-1.4.7 I have a page with an upload field which is
triggered by an Ajax button. After upload some information about
the upload is supposed to be made visible via Ajax. The
component containing the form has outputMarkupId set to true,
and it is added to the AjaxRequestTarget after submit. 

>From the logs I can see that in onBeforeRender the ListView
which is supposed to appear is updated (its populateItem method
is called). Still it does not appear. The same applies to a
label I added to the form in which I overrode isVisible
depending on the upload state. 

This component has been working fine for over a year now, but as
one of your customers has started using IE9 it turned out that
in IE9 this does not work anymore. 

Is there a known incompatibility, or any other experience I can
benefit from? 



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