Hi All, 
I have searched and wasted much of my time figuring out the default Value for 
DropDownChoice for Object as dropdown but couldn't find the solution. For 
"String" dropdown i was able to make it work but somehow for object it is not 
Below is the Simple example that i have been trying, DropDownChoicePage.html 
and DropDownChoicePage.java files. 
Can someone please help me that what am i missing into 
"DropDownChoicePage.java" class that is not setting the Drop Down Default 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";><head>    <title>DropDown 
 Select your favorite Language                 <select 
wicket:id="languageDropDown"></select>         </body></html>
public class DropDownChoicePage extends WebPage { 
        public class KeyValue { 
                private String key;                 private String value; 
                public KeyValue(String key, String value) {                     
    this.key = key;                         this.value = value;                 
                public String getKey() {                         return key;    
                public String getValue() {                         return 
value;                 } 
                public void setKey(String key) {                         
this.key = key;                 } 
                public void setValue(String value) {                         
this.value = value;                 } 
                @Override                 public String toString() {            
             return getKey();                 }         } 
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2304448232406333188L; 
        private KeyValue defaultValue = new KeyValue("JAVA", "Java"); 
        /**          * Constructor          */         public 
DropDownChoicePage() { 
                List<KeyValue> keyValues = new 
ArrayList<DropDownChoicePage.KeyValue>();                 keyValues.add(new 
KeyValue("PHP", "php"));                 keyValues.add(new KeyValue("JAVA", 
"Java"));                 keyValues.add(new KeyValue("DOT_NET", "Dot Net")); 
                DropDownChoice<KeyValue> dropDownChoice = new 
DropDownChoice<KeyValue>(                                 "languageDropDown", 
new PropertyModel<KeyValue>(this,                                               
  "defaultValue"), keyValues,                                 new 
ChoiceRenderer<KeyValue>("key", "value"));                 add(dropDownChoice); 
        public KeyValue getDefaultValue() {                 return 
defaultValue;         } 
        public void setDefaultValue(KeyValue defaultValue) {                 
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;         } 
Thanks, Vimal. 

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