to get this to work, we ended up having to refresh the entire tree
component when the children of a node are loaded, kinda defeating the
purpose of the ajax lazy loading. otherwise, the subnodes are not droppable
targets in the DOM.

still open to better more jq/wiquery-like approach if someone has any ideas.


On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 7:06 PM, Chris Turchin <> wrote:

> hi,
> we have a wicket 1.5.7 tree
> (org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tree) that we are loading
> subnodes into via ajax. the tree supports ajax dnd events using wiquery
> (dnd to copy/move/link page objects into the tree nodes) and it works great
> when the page loads (e.g at level one in the tree).
> when we add subnode (level two) to the tree via ajax (lazy loading nodes),
> these nodes are at first not droppable. after loading an additional
> sublevel (level three), then the nodes of  level two are droppable. the
> level three nodes are not. and this continues down the tree level by
> level... alternately, when the page is refreshed (f5) all nodes in the tree
> are droppable.
> i know that jquery brings a live() function for reacting to ajax-y DOM
> changes. i cannot figure out how this plays into the wiquery context or how
> we can get the ajax nodes to be ui-droppable right after loading.
> advice appreciated. thanks.
> best regards
> -chris
> --
> Chris Turchin <>

Chris Turchin <>

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