
This is simply terrific. I will sift through all this in the next weeks.

All I can say is a big thanks for everything!


On 22/09/12 19:00, Sebastien wrote:
Hi Sebastien.

wicket-jquery-ui has the goal to integrate jQuery UI widgets as Wicket
components; but it's also designed to integrate (easily, I guess) any
jQuery plugins (that's what I tend to evince in the tutorial series...).

So, I played around with the fox-run-software (range-)date-picker... I
noticed that the (kind-of) drop-down box which displays the date-picker is
not shipped in the library and should therefore be achieved out of the box,
as stated here:

Given this, I did integrate two components (for both Wicket 1.5.8 & Wicket
The first one is a RangeDatePicker, which is designed - when used alone -
to be an 'inline' widget, with an ajax behavior triggered on 'change'
event. This component can serves as base for more complex component, like a
google-analytics-date-picker.... (you will notice that the change event is
triggered on every date click... A merge request - that provide an
'onRangeChanged' event - is in stand-by since a month and has therefore not
been merged yet). The second component relies on this first one and on a
TextField to make the RangeDatePickerTextField (which indeed is a
FormComponent). It should be closed to the component you are looking for...

If it fits your needs, you can either use it (released as
com.googlecode.wicket-jquery-ui:jquery-ui-plugin:1.2.3-SNAPSHOT) or have a
look at github project to see how it works. Sure, do not hesitate to have a
look at the other integrations as well (wicket-select2 is a prime example,
and the other jQuery integrations too).

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to use the forum (you may find
the link on the demo site's homepage)

Best regards,

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Sébastien Gautrin <> wrote:


If you make a tutorial about creating a plugin using wicket-jquery-ui,
even though it'll be for wicket 6, it should be relatively simply adaptable
to do the same for wicket 1.5 (unless there's a huge lot of changes between
the two for wicket-jquery-ui which is quite possible considering wicket 6
comes with jquery support unlike 1.5).

I'll take a look at your current how tos for wicket-jquery-ui (we don't
use wicket-jquery-ui for the moment - we have a few components using
wiquery and a couple very old components using jquery-ui in a crappy way),
but that's always interesting to see what's out there and how it works.

I'll take a closer look on wicket-select2 as well, as I suppose it could
be a good inspiration to integrate the fox run software datepicker library
(which is not using jquery-ui).



Sebastien wrote:

Hi again,

Well... I was looking for a jQuery plugin for the 3rd part of my HowTo's,
about creating a plugin using wicket-jquery-ui.
Maybe will I play with that one in the coming days... (just note that it
will be over Wicket 6)


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