Hello Wicketeers,

now same example for Wicket 6 and Jetty 8:


Best regards,


On 08/12/2012 08:53 PM, Anton Bessonov wrote:
Hello wicketeers,

I've updated my old small Wicket example to 1.5.7 and pushed it to github [1]. It's available under cc-by license (also for commercial use, redistributing and so on). Maybe helpful for someone.

Example include:
- i18n
- Hibernate (hsqldb is default and mysql example config is included)
- Authentication (Register/Login/Logout, persistent)
- Simple Authorization (is_user, is_anonymous roles)
- Spring DI
- Standalone application packaging (with Jetty and maven-shade-plugin)
- Good test coverage

Following dependencies are declared:

Improvements, comments, forks and pull requests are welcome.

[1] https://github.com/Bessonov/wicket-example

Best regards


Oracle Certified Expert, Enterprise JavaBeans Developer
Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer
Professional Scrum Master I & II

Now that's a test of the character of an organization.
Of the organizations that are attempting to implement
Scrum probably, 30% - 35% will successfully implement it.
- Ken Schwaber

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