On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Chris Colman

> Is it possible/feasible to 'selectively' use the Twitter bootstrap in a
> wicket app?
> Scenario: our app serves many different clients. Some will want the
> Twitter Bootstrap look and feel but others will be happy to use any
> number of existing CSS/JS templates that we have created for them over
> the years.
> Currently we use a combination of Wicket variations and conditional
> header injection to provide different look and feel for customers even
> though they all use the same Wicket page classes.
> Is it possible to use Twitter Bootstrap in the same way? i.e.
> conditionally use it when rendering a page for one customer but not
> using it when rendering that same page class for another customer?

It sounds like you already have the system for this built.  Bootstrap is
just HTML and CSS, so keep doing what you were with the variations and
different header contributions.  Is there something else that you need?

Jeremy Thomerson
*Need a CMS for Wicket?  Use Brix! http://brixcms.org*

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